Is this Waste of time
Have you ever felt like the time is slipping through your fingers? And the feeling is it getting stronger the older you get? I for sure feel like that. I feel like the days are passing one by one, weeks and months are flying and I am actually not moving at all. I am achieving barely anything. Do you know that feeling? Is it just a feeling or is it the reality?
It is hard to Find My “thing” in life
Do you sometimes feel like you are inadequate? Like you just average and nothing you do makes much of a difference? I know that’s probably a sign of the middle age crisis, but seriously, is this what I’m supposed to feel like? What is my "thing" in life?
Risk – walking a tightrope above the chasm of doubt
I am pretty used to taking certain types of risks. I made a few risky decisions in my life. Some of it paid off, some if it didn't, but I always learned something from these experiences.
Ways of tackling bad breath
One of the side effects of getting older are the physical changes that happen to our body. Things like wrinkles and grey hair have been discussed at length, but what about the less pretty things? Like bad breath, for example.
Is freedom of speech dying?
I warn you this blog will be intense and possibly controversial. I want to tackle the issue of freedom of speech. To be more precise, I want to investigate if it still exists or are we living in a society where only the widely accepted opinions are the once we are allowed to voice.
BOTOX – have it or not
One of the usual things that come with getting older is the dreaded wrinkle. It would be good if there was only one, but no, we will get a full, wonderful set of them. So what follows is the relentless search for lotions or potions that can solve the problem. Quickly we get to the conclusion that nothing really works... well almost nothing. Apparently, Botox may help.
At the crossroads aka career crisis
I think I am a bit at the crossroads and I am not sure which way to choose. I battle the dilemma every day for the last few weeks and can not make up my mind. I am torn between several options and can't decide which way to go. So I wonder if this is another sign of midlife crisis...?
Let’s talk about sex
Do you remember that song? It was so good and so outrageous at the time! Ohh yeah, sorry if you thought this blog would be about sex life, then I need to disappoint you. I actually want to write about music and how much better it was when I was younger. Yes, I sound old!
Is this the midlife crisis?
It is bizarre to feel this lost and disconnected from the world around. I dream big, I want a lot, but I feel small and insignificant. Is this midlife crisis?
The exercise dilemma and how to deal with it
Exercise is not something that comes to me naturally. But now that I am over 40 years old, do I need to review my attitude to exercise?
My hair predicament
I have a very peculiar relationship with my hair. First of all, of course, my hair is not what I want. Second, I never get out of the hairdressers with what I asked for.
Question of perspective – the issue of dying
Do you know that saying "taking form our shelf"? It refers to losing people from the same or similar age. Older, we get more people around us will perish. I just didn't think it will be so sudden and senseless.
Nothing like women to women
I have been working in the male-dominated world all my career. It was my decision to choose such a path, and I am not complaining. What I really want to tackle are the other women in the business environment. You know like women to women.